Elizabeth isn't disappointing:
"He sighed and pushed back on the irritation."
He has a rash? Why is he pushing on it?
"... brains that were fried from highs".
Elizabeth, I know what you're trying to say, but it isn't getting high that fries a brain.
It's the skillet.
As personality Crystal takes over, Deanna goes against her prior convictions to not accept food or drink and make nice-nice with the po-po and accepts the offer of food and rest.
Deanna prays for a moment and follows John Peterson. He escorts her away with her hand on his arm, which I guess is a standard police procedure in this universe.
John gets her some coffee and takes her to... the police station's break room to continue working on her statement. Just a standard procedure, nothing to see here.
Deanna apparently has the hots for John, because she laments for a while about his wedding ring. Because she's a nosy asshole who needs to take her meds regularly, she makes it her life goal to know if he is married or not.
Now, a normal human might just casually ask about his family, but Deanna has all the social graces of a dead cat.
She asks outright if he's married and then demands to know why he would wear a wedding band if he's not. She literally bullies him into telling her about his two years deceased wife.
Step one: Normal. Step two: Floppy.
Works for non-babies too. May need to shake harder and more frequently.
Without warning, John yells, "Dick!"
I got excited for a moment--I honestly thought he was loudly proclaiming that the passing of his wife meant he could be true to his own sexual desires, or that he was calling her a dick. Instead, he was calling to a coworker, whose name is Richard, in the hopes of moving her from the John to a Dick. Dick refuses.
Because Deanna thinks that all things in life are related, she surmises that John's dead wife has something to do with Crook McCartney, because no cop ever wants to catch and condemn a criminal unless it's personal.
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